Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm back...

Oh dear blog... I am alive. I'm sorry I've neglected you. It's not that I don't care. Its just that I've been so busy and you... well... you obviously don't care since you're reading this anyway. I'm happy that you've returned to read more into my crazy, creative, rather normal life.

My mama was here visiting for a little over a week and we had a great time. She's rebounding from her last round of chemo and her numbers are within a normal range for the first time in 9 years! Thank God! That woman is an amazing piece of strength and inspriation. my only regret from her visit is that I didn't take more pictures. I've also been busy making a couple projects for the next classes that I'll be teaching at Yellowbird Scrapbook Store. I saw this idea at the Daisy Bucket booth at CHA. I'd love to claim that idea as my own but ... that wouldn't be right. I did use different papers and stitched through the canvas. It's such a fun project and it'll cost only $20. i'll teach it on March 25th and on April 18th. You can sign up for it online here.

Here's a side view so you can see all the dimension.
The other class I'm teaching is a 2-sided acrylic layout class. My budget was increased for this class so it has a whole lot more embellishments and fun bright papers. I really think this is a new favorite class because it's so full of techniques. You'll be an acrylic pro after this class. Painting techniques, stampling, cutting, adding glitter (2 ways), punching, layering acrylic, and so much more. This class is on March 11th and April 9th. You can sign up for it online here.
I have so much trouble taking photos of acrylic projects. Anyone have suggestions? These are a little hard to see all the details with the green wall behind it.

Allright, there's my shameless plug for my new classes. Thanks for checking in!

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