Friday, April 8, 2011

Stay-cation Adventures #2

For Stay-cation adventure #2 we thought we'd live like tourists do when they come to San Diego so we went and stayed at Paradise Point, a local beach resort.

The weather could have been a LOT warmer but that's what you get for San Diego in April and May.

There was a great spot overlooking the bay, with beautiful palms and flowers. I thought, "The kids are clean all at the same time. We should take a picture." (yes, I have low standards!)

I tried to pose them and I ended up with this:And then this:So I let them do their own thing and I got this:

Much better! They are so natural here.

The next morning we went for a walk on the beach. It was chilly but a great way to start the day.
I love how they like to write in the sand.It was so cold at the beach, Max was content hanging out in the stroller watching birds and playing with seashells. He is always a happy guy!
The best parts of our stay-cation are we won't be paying for it for months and we still got to squeeze in dentist and doctor appointments. We live in an amazing area and get into our daily ruts and we just don't take advantage of all it offers. So much to do... so little time!

We have a couple more days of break left and I asked Madeleine and Sam what they want to do and they said they want to just stay home. Really? All right.... I confess I'm tired out too. I suppose I'll learn how to relax a little...? I'm not sure I know how to do that but I'll try.

Thanks for checking in!

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